Select Projects


 The Anacrusis

A co-op horde shooter in the vein of Left 4 Dead developed by Stray Bombay. Throughout this project, I found both opportunity and need to wear a wide variety of hats, having had some notable role in engineering, design, and tech art, as well as lesser roles in other disciplines.

Notably, I was responsible for the AI Director within The Anacrusis, having taken over from where Dr. Kimberly Voll started. The Director serves as the heart and brain of The Anacrusis, bringing a customized experience to each and every group of players. Its AI controls the pacing, count, difficulty and placement of enemies, as well as the frequency and placement of tools and items for the players.

Star Ruler 2

Blind Mind Studio’s sequel to the successful Star Ruler, Star Ruler 2 sought to engage a wider audience with a more carefully thought out design. It employed a custom engine, had far better 3D visuals, and a larger scope than the original.

I was involved in every aspect of Star Ruler 2 as the Studio Lead, guiding the software architecture and design of the game.


Star Ruler

Star Ruler is the first game from Blind Mind Studios, which was started with the goal of creating this title.

This project represents the most intense period of learning and work I’ve yet experienced, as I grew from a complete novice, into an individual capable of creating large, successful projects.