My name is Amy Ackermann.

With fifteen years of experience in the games industry, I have a proven track record of excellence in my field.



Over my career, I’ve worked on multiple Indie and AAA titles. My teams have ranged from two, to twenty, to nearly two hundred. Each title and team has provided me with a growing diversity and depth of skills, as well as tested me in novel ways.

When my team encounters a challenge, I never hesitate to face it head on; I identify the skills and solutions necessary and employ them.


Multi Discipline






A consummate professional and a real code genius. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Amy; she made the business of making games easy. A hard worker, she really comes into her own when put up against challenging and complex mathematical and technological constraints. There's been a lot of times I've balked at the sheer enormity of the problems Amy chose to grapple and brought to the floor through raw talent and grit.

With her by my side, we did the work of at least ten people on a budget that barely covered one. If it had been anyone else, I doubt we'd have made it to market - much less with a functional and robust game. When you work with Amy, the limitations of what's possible to achieve seem to just fall away. 

— James Woodall



Released 2010

Released 2010

Star Ruler

Lead, designed, and engineered by myself, Star Ruler was my first professional title.

Released 2015

Released 2015

Star Ruler 2

Powered by the success of the original, Star Ruler 2 was a bigger, better title in every way. Once again, I led the team, and provided a majority of engineering and design effort.

The Anacrusis

The Anacrusis is a horde shooter, borrowing a great deal of inspiration from Left 4 Dead. I was responsible for the AI Director, and worked on many engineering and design tasks.